Here are the rules:
- Read and blog within any 48-hour period within the Friday-to-Monday-morning window of June 8–10. Start no sooner than 7:00 a.m. on Friday and end no later than 7:00 a.m. Monday. So, go from 4:00 p.m. Friday to 4:00 p.m. on Sunday... or maybe 6:00 a.m. Saturday to 6:00 a.m. Monday works better for you. But the 48 hours do need to be in a row.
- It’s your call as to how much you want to put into it. I don’t really expect anyone to read and review for the entire 48 hours, though I suppose it’s possible. If you want to skip sleep and showers to do this, go for it. If you want to be a bit more laid back, fine. If you have to take a five-hour break right smack dab in the middle to take your daughters to a Girl Scout Sing-Along, you can do that. Generally, though, you have to put something into it or it’s not a challenge.
- The books should be about fifth-grade level and up. Think in the two-hundred-page range. Think novels, though nonfiction is fine. Adult books are fine, especially if any adult book bloggers want to play. If you are generally a picture book blogger, consider this a good time to get caught up on all those wonderful big kid books you’ve been hearing about. No graphic novels. I’m not trying to discriminate, I’m just trying to make sure that the number of books and page counts mean the same thing to everyone.
- The length of the reviews are not an issue. You can write a paragraph or a full-on review, but you can count the time writing in your total time. Blog reading doesn’t count. Save it for Monday.
- Let your readers know when you are starting the challenge with a specific entry mentioning that detail. After your 48 hours are completed, write a final summary that clearly includes the number of books read, total page count, the approximate hours you spent reading/reviewing, and any other comments you want to make on the experience. It needs to be posted no later than noon on Monday, June 11, to be counted.
- The winners will be announced here on Monday, and prizes will be awarded for most books read, most hours spent, and most pages read (if it isn’t the same winner as most books read). I’ll also give out some prizes to random participants, just to make it fun for everyone.
Having this to look forward to has kept me sane at work this past month. Thanks to you, MR, for bringing it back for Year Two! I can't wait for tomorrow night to crack open the first book on the stack!!!
I'm ready! I'm taking this opportunity to get a head start on the Piedmont Battle of the Books lists.
Just a quick question, since I am doing this with a busy weekend (the busiest in the last month for sure) is listening to an audiobook while driving ok as well? If not somebody else will have to do the driving. :) As for the Girl Scout outing in the middle, I have the Girl Guide end of year advancement and party. Have fun at your sing-a-long.
Ooooo I'm excited, even if I have a group meeting for school in the middle of it. And homework (I can count my textbook reading, right?) But to answer the question you left at my blog, I live in Arlington but I'm a children's librarian in a Pretty Great County in Maryland. If that makes sense. ;)
I'm bummed to say it, but I won't be able to do the challenge this year. I put off making the decision until this morning in case one of events of the weekend mysteriously disappeared but none have. I'll try to use it as an opporunity to at least blog about a book or two and I'll certainly be looking forward to reading everyone else's entries! Thanks for organising what looks like a fantastic event, MR!
Hmm. My comment on the original post links to my Blogger account, which I set up just for commenting. If you still have to make a list, I'd rather link to my LJ. If this is a problem, no worries, and sorry!
ZG - glad to have you back.
JS - glad to have you onboard.
Gwen - hmmm. I've given this due consideration and I've decided fairly arbitrarily that one audiobook can count.
Jennie - textbook reading? Well, you're probably not going to be plowing through that at record speed, but why not. And I got you sister, wink.
Emmaco - sorry something suddenly came up, but we're always happy to have cheerleaders.
Lady S. - I think I figured that out and linked the LJ account, but I'll check.
A Year of Reading will be with you in spirit, but not in strict adherence to the rules. Sighhhh. Life has come at us fast.
Delightfully, I'll be able to partcipate in this! (Miri gave me the link) If there's any way to better kick off the summer than reading for 48 hours, it's reading for 48 hours with the possibilities of getting prizes.
Thanks for organizing this, MotherReader! I'm looking forward to it. I've got my books lined up!
Jennie: I live in Maryland and I get your code! (wink wink) I'm in Baltimore County, though.
Girl Scouts seems like a lot of work! Makes me glad I have a boy and no girls, LOL.
After the week I've just survived, I'm looking forward to this more than I thought possible.
You are a goddess.
Yeah, I won't be plowing through textbook reading quickly, especially as it's on the joys of HTML, but it has to get done... as does this stupid database design...
Ooooo... Sheila... I think if I lived in Baltimore County I'd spend all my time at Enoch Pratt. (The big one, with the coi pond.)
Drat! If I had remembered there would be a prize for most books read, I would not have chosen this 900 page monster to begin with! I might put it aside.
This should be fun! I've had some things come up that'll take a big chunk out of my reading time, but I'm going ahead with it anyway, huzzah!
Just posted my launch post! *wanders off in search of coffee*
'Kay, here's the post.
Sorry about not making it sooner!
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