- My mom and brother had an argument, and now I don’t think they will be coming for Christmas — meaning I won’t see my beautiful, baby niece whom I adore. Presumably, I will also have to negotiate the peace settlement.
- You know those scenes in movies where the bad guys search the good guy’s house to find something of value and they’ve left it completely trashed with stuff all over the place? That is how my living room looks right now.
- With a lot of work to do today, I put on the only comfy pants I could find. And between the advent of lower rise jeans, which slip down, and my... ahem, weight, the most comfortable working pants I’ve got are maternity cargo pants. Even sadder, I bought them recently. My youngest child is seven.
- While my readership is going slightly up, my Technorati rank is going slightly down because I now have fewer links from other sites. I have somehow gone from attracting people to actually repelling them.
- As if it isn’t enough that Fuse#8 meets the cool authors at cool receptions at her cool library, y’know, along with having the top kids’ literature blog, she breaks the news that Mo Willems — my Mo Willems — has a new blog. On his site he shares some of his drawings and doodles and...
Posted by
4:38 PM
It’s not been a good day for me. Here’s why.
Be woe-free. 'Tis the season to reflect on the goodness of life, after all. Hug your munchkins and have a clean-it-up timed contest. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle would approve! :)
oh dear, I am in trouble...
Rest assured that not only did I post my blog info on www.mowillems.com, you are my favorite blog with the words 'mother' and 'reader' in them...
PS: I don't even grovel to my real mother, so buck up.
"While my readership is going slightly up, my Technorati rank is going slightly down because I now have fewer links from other sites"
Hey, you can't say I haven't been doing MY part.
Not that you even need to hear from me, after that last comment.
Okay, so the one that sounds like the worst thing of the day to me is the maternity cargo pants! I can sooo relate to that feeling:-)
Tomorrow will be better. And another 21 ideas for gift giving! Very impressive.
Look, you got a personal note here from Mo, so life is great :)
The season will soon be over.
Your fan,
MotherReader, I feel your pain about the state of your living room. Also the family issues -- been there in the past 12 months!
All I can say is, you're fabulous. I wish my visits helped your ranking, but I fear I'm many notches below you blog-cache-wise.
Check out my fun-holiday-stuff from Saturday -- the snowball fight game is a nice way to work off some frustration. Just imagine your mother and your brother are on the other team and wack their little booties off!
Oh, and I love that your "just for" column now has a "Just for Mo" section. Priceless.
And for my part, I don't check Mo's website ever. Under any circumstances. So really, I figured you'd have seen this before me.
Cheer up! Plus Mo has never commented on my site in any way shape or form. So technically you're way ahead of me point-wise. Right? Right?
Thanks for the love everybody. You guys are great. Fuse#8, we're totally cool. Mo, it's always good to know when to grovel, so kudos.
I still link to your site. It's one of my very favorites. I enjoy your snarky, wise-ass humor. Good luck brokering peace deals.
MotherR., I meant to tell you last week not to worry about Technorati. Some days it loves me (well, loves me like a really distant cousin twice removed), and some days it says I haven't updated my blog in 382 days. I doubt you're falling off anyone's blogroll; it's more likely that the Technorati search engine is drunk.
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